This article was co-written with Tourism Tiger.

Updated February 2023 – If you’re looking for a tour booking form template, you’ve come to the right place. So you’re starting to look at booking options for your tour website, and there seems to be an endless number of options and choices to make.  Tourism Tiger specializes in websites for tour operators so they know how overwhelming it can be. if you need help deciding what’s best for your company. Check out this page specially created for Rezdy clients.

The most important asset of your business online is your website. However, what’s the point of an amazing grocery store, if you can’t check out, you’d never be able to sell those potatoes. An amazing website would be useless without a way to take bookings.

The best way to take bookings online would be through a booking software. However, if you’re just starting out or don’t deal with high-volume bookings, it may not be worth setting one up. In which case, booking forms are a very simple, easy, and cheap way to get those bookings. 

Why use a tour booking form?

A booking form has a number of different benefits. They make it easy to collect information from clients but also simplify the process of organizing and managing response data (response data being information such as client emails, phone numbers, tours they’re interested in, answers to your form, etc.). You can find out the best time to contact guests in response to their inquiries, how they heard about your company or the number of people in their group. You can also customize the form for anything else you need to know, such as requirements for guests with disabilities or common questions or concerns that people have.

Another benefit is the simplicity of a booking form. Travelers have a lot of tour agencies, hotels, etc. to choose from, and they will select you when they see how easy it is to book—even from mobile devices, which most forms nowadays are compatible with.

However, there are several ways that you can implement a tour booking form on your website.

How do I choose the right tour booking form?

There are hundreds of different companies, widgets, and add-ons that provide booking forms, so choosing one is at your discretion, it depends on which one best suits you and your company. Performing a simple search for HTML forms, the most common type of booking form, will result in countless options for you and your business. Companies like JotForm or Google Forms dominate the market, but there are many more options out there. We would advise doing some digging to come up with what’s best for you. 

Manual Booking Form

A manual booking form is probably the simplest way to do it. It’s just a pdf or print-out that you can send to your customer and have them fill out. All you need to do is put one of your forms on your website with instructions on where to send the completed form to. However, one downside is that it might not be the best experience for your customers. It’ll also be a huge hassle for you as you’ll need to collect the information one at a time.

If you’re looking need a tour booking form template that you can put your own brand on, click here.

Google Forms

tour booking form
















Google Forms is an easy and free way to take tour bookings online. You can easily design all the form entries and types. When a customer fills up the form, the information is directly sent to a spreadsheet on Google Sheets. From there, you can quickly confirm all the bookings made.

While these are easy to implement and highly effective, they don’t offer much in the way of customization. Meaning, it’s hard to get them to blend into your site and branding.

Customizable HTML Form

tour operator

These forms are a little more complicated to set up as compared to Google Forms but are a lot more customizable. Tools like Jotform allow you to customize the colors, fonts, and parameters to suit and blend into your website. Tools like Jotform allow drag and drop customization as well. They’ve also got plenty of tour booking form templates ready for you to customize. You can check it out here.

Similar to Google Forms, when your customer fills up a form, that information will be automatically sent to a spreadsheet on Google Sheets.

How do I integrate the tour booking form onto my website?

So you have your site, you’ve chosen your form, and now it’s time to integrate it onto your website. It can seem daunting, but nowadays, everything is made to be user-friendly and as simple as possible to upload. Once you’ve decided on your final product and are happy with it, it’s a simple process to make it go live. 

Most sites will allow you to simply copy the provided embed link code onto your website. You may also share the form’s unique URL on social media or over email to cover all potential booking areas. It’s worth noting that if you edit the form after it has been embedded, the form will update automatically, so there is no need to reinstall or re-upload it.

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JotForm has dozens of applications and integrations that allow you to create your perfect form. Integrate your online form data with popular applications that you use every day, like Box, Constant Contact, Salesforce, Slack, and more.

Google Forms are possibly the best free-form tool available. You can use Google Forms to collect contact information and integrate it with a Google Sheet, allowing you to make sense of all the tour booking data you receive. On Google Forms, it is very easy to customize everything, including titles, descriptions, and sections, and you can embed the form into a landing page, into blog posts, or even send the link itself.

If you’re using WordPress, adding a form widget is simple, too. Gravity Forms are probably the way to go on WordPress, and they are very easy to customize and personalize! Gravity Forms allow you to quickly and easily integrate with third-party services such as PayPal and provide for even deeper integration with WordPress through a selection of optional add-ons.

Why choose a tour booking software?

There are endless positives to selecting a tour operator booking software like Rezdy. Reservation systems like Rezdy run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It organizes all your bookings into one place and, depending on what type of business you run, can be in several different languages. An online booking software will also reduce no-shows because it requires guests to make their financial commitment upon booking, meaning faster payment for you. Furthermore, it dramatically reduces the time you spend sorting through guest communication, meaning you have more time to focus on other important matters.

With Rezdy, you can tap into your company’s valuable insights and performance on an easy-to-use dashboard. This allows you to see your most popular tours, add or change important items on the go, and create offers1 for customers with as click of a button.

Curious to see how Rezdy can fit within your tour and activity business? Start your FREE 21-day trial or book a demo today.

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